Defence Strategy

Nuclear free zones. World leader in negotiating peace treaties/third world press summits including WEF -World Economic Forum. Member of the Defence Council and former advisor Chief in Command of the Allied Forces and rear admiral of the Royal Navy. Director of the CIU – Central Intelligence Unit.

A world around us, torn part by grief. There are wars to be fought, battles to be won, possibly on the cricket pitch, albeit. The UK Dems have a commitment to world peace, which is achievable in our hearts, if not our minds. In the establishment of nuclear free zones in all member States of the EU and further afield with the EEA, a global conflict of ideas in bringing together the military powers of the US, Russia and  (Northern) Korea to come on board to create nuclear disarmament throughout the 21st century into realisation. As the first lady of politics, a constructive ideology in her handbag of the dismantling of nuclear weapons not only on the actual tarmac of terrafirma but as peace treaties that are sustainable in the modern world we can live in a safe society for us all to grow as human beings.     

With the inception of a coalition government in the UK in 2007,    a dramatic change took place on the world’s stage, we fell off the end of the world. With divine grace through Lindka, we are back stronger than ever to win the war of ideas, to withdraw military    en mass on a daily basis. It is a big mountain to climb to reach the gravity of our soul, but as temperament will tell the ability of the people to weather the storms of fickle nature, we can and will win through. We have a peace fund and Apps with pots flowing over with pounds sterling, the Alexandra Fund, to educate servicemen and women that there is life after civvie street, a lobbying force through socialmedia, Presidents, Kings and some Queens,  fellow friends of Lindka’s peaceful negotiations throughout the years.  We also have a literary cannon to write home about that fires the imagination in bringing economic sense through Lindka with an estate the size of England to keep the ships out of Dover!

The UK Democrats are committed to a defence strategy that works throughout the years for all the world to see. Live people and be free.